"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." - Phil. 4:13

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Sometimes, my jaw just drops in awe of our Lord.  Every time I feel like I'm getting overwhelmed with things in my life, the Lord provides relief, even if its just a few encouraging words from someone.

To start off, this weekend was wonderful.  It was a pretty laid back weekend, but my grandparents came to visit!  I was so excited to see them, especially because I've been really homesick lately, and it was refreshing to see family.  Although, the catch-22 is that I now miss home, and seeing my family, even more than before.  Countdown to Thanksgiving... 44 days!  But it was so good to sit and talk, and hear about their adventures and everything.

Now, for those of you who don't like mushy stuff, don't read the rest of this post...

This morning, the sermon was on the subject of marriage.  I was really excited to hear what Dr. Lowman had to say on the subject.  However, he brought up a very good, yet convicting point... Its a long story, but to get to the bottom of it, Frank and I started to discuss the option of waiting another year or waiting until I finished school to get married.  Well, to be quite honest, he discussed it, and I rejected the idea.  I am so excited to marry him, and honestly, I don't want to wait any longer than I have to.  But, logically, it would put us in a better place financially.  Anyway, I got a little upset because, well, I'm stubborn, but I told Frank that if he thought it was better for us to wait, then I would wait.  However, I was still frustrated with the situation because I didn't want to have to be logical - you know, the stubbornness again :)

Well, I just got these texts -
Frank - "We will find a way"
Me - "?"
Frank - "Just thinking that I don't want to wait either and we will find a way if it is the Lords will.  I'm giving it up to him."

That's just it!  If the Lord has intended for us to marry, he will provide a way for us to handle it financially.  Why should I waste my time worrying about having to wait or not?  I don't know how he does it, but Frank always seems to say exactly what I need to hear.  Isn't he completely amazing?  I love him so much.

Well, thats it for tonight.  I need to get to bed... early class tomorrow!

Gig 'Em and War Eagle!

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